Wednesday 10 June 2009

Inflammation in all it's guises is perhaps best described as not wanted.
Well, it is part of the processes that make up our unique biology. A call to arms for the body repair mechanisms to come to the rescue.
Problems arise when the signal of inflammation does not get turned off, and so we suffer from a double attack - continuing inflammation and a confusion of repair mechanisms. Result - often tissue damage or destruction

A unique material isolated from the New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel (a shellfish) has been revealed as perhaps the most effective anti-inflammatory ever discovered - problem though is it cannot be patented (it is natural in origin) and so the big money-spinners (read - drug companies) miss out.

The Good News for all of us who suffer from the effects of inflammation from time to time is that it works!

Note that it contains no protein, so sufferers from shell-fish allergies need have no fears.
It does not act as a "drug" or in any way stimulate the body, so it is good for athletes.

It may even have some benefit for those who suffer from cancer - as indicated in the article by Dr Steven Vasiler . Nothing guaranteed, but definitely worth researching.

It also works with animals - in even smaller measures than than required for us homo-sapiens.

Non-toxic, won't remove your stomach lining, good for the heart.

Oh, and the supplier will give a money-back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied.

Worth a shot? OK, then check in here
A note of caution: If your inflammation problem is chronic (been troubling you for a while) then you may experience relief early on, but at around day 4 the symptoms may re-surface. This may last for a day, then relief sets in on a more permanent basis.
For more about Inflammation and the food-chain, check here

Sunday 23 September 2007

Inflammation - Does Nature Know Best?

- Does Nature Know Best ?

Inflammation is both a blessing and a curse

From a dull ache to screaming agony, inflammation is a signal that something is wrong at a tissue level. It is also a signal for your body's
defence and repair mechanisms to spring into action. Well, for many of us the spring is more like a slight hop or limp, and for some, the signal does not get turned off with the result that suffering is extended with long-term destructive consequences.

Now I am not a medico, just an interested bystander (and occasional sufferer), so here may be a simplistic approach and non-techy understanding, but nevertheless one that works for me, and others that I know.

Nature has the solution.

From my home land of New Zealand comes the Green-lipped mussel shellfish. A freeze-dried extract product of this shellfish was available to offer possible relief for sufferers of arthritis. Worked for some, sometimes. There were challenges for those allergic to shellfish, as well, so it was a bit limited in how well it worked.
A challenge was issued by the promotors of the extract, to researchers in Australia, to find the active ingredient that makes the freeze-dried extract work.

Well, like so many secrets held by Mother Nature, the answer did not come easily, and in fact it took several years. Collaboration between scientists both in Australia and Japan finally revealed the secret.

Testing in Australia, and double-blind trials done, provided remarkable evidence of a very effective anti-inflammatory. Problem was, it was a natural product and thus could not be readily patented.
Patents are now in place, and the product is available world-wide.


No allergy problems, as there are no proteins in the contents.
Non-irritating to the gut.
Works for arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, strains, sprains, PMT, and every other inflammation event including Crohn's disease.

Just as a by-word, When you purchase this product using the link below, you get a 100% satisfaction or money-back guarantee - and that's from the company, direct.

It's the age-old story - nothing ventured, nothing gained, but without trying it, how will you know?

To explore further
, and order if you wish, check here
A note of caution: If your inflammation problem is chronic (been troubling you for a while) then you may experience relief early on, but at around day 4 the symptoms may re-surface. This may last for a day, then relief sets in on a more permanent basis.
For more about Inflammation and the food-chain, check here

Author: Ken Spong

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Original article by Ken Spong